Monday, January 25, 2010

Without faith, we're wasting time

I finally bought a physical copy of Marianne Williamson's 'A Return to Love,' and every chapter is slowly awakening parts of myself that have been frozen since my infancy. I have to read it with a pen/highlighter in hand underlining and taking notes on the parts that speak to me, because I love to go back when I am feeling 'lost' and just flip to a page and read what it was that I was originally drawn to and could inspire me in new ways throughout different chapters in my life.

I really liked this excerpt - it's about having faith - and about letting go. I know I need to stop trying to control the things that are not in my control, but sometimes it is so damn hard! But that's what faith is; 'believing that the universe is on our side, that the universe knows what it's doing. Faith is a psychological awareness of an unfolding force for good, constantly at work in all dimensions. Our attempts to direct the force only interferes with it. Our willingness to relax in to it allows it to work on our behalf. Without faith we're frantically trying to control what it is not our business to control, and fix what it is not our power to fix. What we're trying to control is much better off without us, and what we're trying to fix can't be fixed by us anyways.'

Marianne describes our attempts at interfering with the universe as interfering with our 'support system.' She says, "It is important to respect the laws that rule the physical universe because violation of these laws threaten our survival. When we pollute the oceans or destroy plant life we are destroying our support system and so destroying ourselves.

Internally, the universe supports our survival as well - emotionally and psychologically. The internal equivalent to oxygen, what we need in order to survive, is love. Human relationships exist to produce love. When we pollute our relationships with unloving thoughts, or destroy or abort them with unloving attitudes, we are threatening our emotional survival.

So the laws of the universe merely describe the way things are. these laws aren't invented; they're discovered. They are not dependent on our faith. Faith in them merely shows we understand what they are. Violation of these laws doesn't bespeak a lack of goodness; just a lack of intelligence. We respect the laws of nature in order to survive. And what is the highest internal law? That we love one another. Because if we don't, we will all die. As surely as a lack of oxygen will kill us, so will a lack of love.

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