Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Coming home

I've mentioned it before, but I recieve daily meditations from my old church back in Detroit, and today's meditation really 'hit home' for me. It talks about goals - and we all know I've been quite the goal oriented over achiever throughout my life. However, have I allowed my path towards achieving these physical gains to get in the way of my path towards my spiritual self? The meditation reminds me that I have been blessed with the freedom to CHOOSE my path towards happiness and choose the goals I see most rewarding in my life, but more importantly reminds me that it is not the DOING or the monetary/status gain I will obtain from achieving these goals that will feed my soul like my awareness and presence with my own Beingness and oneness with the universe can. Freedom comes from enlightenment, from freeing myself of the physical 'things' that only temporarily fill the voids in my life, and becoming more peaceful; more aware of my present moment - not just from achieving one unsatisfying goal after another, because that will never feed my soul like being aware of Your presence can.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

In this bizarre land swarmed a host of colorful artists

Where all time stands still
and the stars seem to fall just to frolic the streets during the day.
I am in need of the romance of theses streets.