Saturday, December 18, 2010

This is your moment to do something original!

"Yeah, the ellipsis, it's dumb. It's dumb. It's an awful idea. I'm not gonna do it, okay? Cause like you said, this is it. This is life. And I'm in love with you... I think that's the only thing I've ever really been sure of in my entire life. And I'm really messed up right now, and I got a whole lot of stuff I have to work out, but I don't want to waste any more of my life without you in it. And I think I can do this. I mean, I want to. I have to, right?"
-Andrew Largeman in Garden State [2004]

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I could kiss your face all day.

The city keeps on going...on.
Float down the river with Matty D & Jay
Get off the boat and board a plan to JKF and I, ain't slept a week
But it don't seem to matter to the subway squeakers, squeaking at my feet
The city keeps on going
We just keep on rolling
The city keeps on going
We just keep on rolling...on.
Grand Central Station got a windy coming down
Independence yesterday, ain't no one around
I still recognize her after all these years and she still looks the same
Ah, she still looks the same.
When we left Brooklyn it was raining so hard
Come up on 8th and the rain it cleared off
We're just people watching on 3rd and St. Mark's
Wendy girl just kissing my face, my face
She was just kissing my face
Just when I was sick and down
There was a shaking on the ground
We were hiding from the rain, we were riding on the train
Just when I was sinking down
There was a shaking on the ground
We were hiding from the rain, we were riding on the train
She was dancing on the midway
Just kissing my face
She was dancing on the midway
Just waving goodbye.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Imaginary Musings

"You're far too beautiful to be real," I whispered.
"You're far too real to love a thing so dead," he replied with bourbon breathe.
And as eloquently as I leaned in to kiss his lucid lips,
dissolved back in to the overworked canvas on my makeshift easel.

Posted from Blogium for iPhone

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I was a dancer all along.

"Degas takes his place somewhere near the top of the class of those painters who could not or would not see a contour as if it were the edge and the end of something; as if the mind, having followed the eye across the expanse of visible surface, had no interest with what lay behind, had no concern to go farther on, but had to turn and travel back the way it came; as if the eye and the object were stuck for ever in the same relative position, and as if the slightest movement of either would not altogether transform the contour and reveal new forms that a moment before were invisible. Degas knew not only that the contour is insatiable but that in its instability lies its great meaning for the artist intent to solve the double problem of volume and movement. The mutability of the contour is the starting point for an imaginary exploration of the complete form depicted; once the mind grasps the significance of the drawing of that single area, the imagination quickly takes in the whole; the artist's attitude to his subject sweeps into our consciousness, the inertia of our mind is over- come' and there suddenly awakens in us those loud echoes of the artist's own emotions which the experience of his art can alone induce."
"Degas Sculptures" by R.R. Tatlock

Just hold on a little more...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Death sentence

He wishes he could forget
that Autumn in the Midwest
where childhood desire bloomed
and the greenery slowly died.

Her eyes burned like an opal
at dusk - in the setting sky,
he could never look away.
He could never fight the trance...
the lust... the magic... the darkness...
that danced inside her

He watched helplessly
His hands turn from green
to yellow
to red
to brown
to dead
in her cold palms

He wishes he could forget that
Autumn in the Midwest
when le magique of a girl
drowned the fire in his soul.

He wishes he could forget...

A Young Dancer and A Few Hundred Horses

self contained [f.rag.ment.s]
into familiar body parts
a cluttered studio, cleaned out by
apathetic hands.

they will never appreciate
the love
you cast.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Who am I anymore?

i may never understand this lifetime
or the next
but i may only hope to leave a watermark
of my pathetic existence on the hearts
of those i have loved along the way.
you and i
are just the same.

This is exactly where I want to be tonight.

Dear God,
It is easy to talk about love and justice, mercy and peace.
Help me live the truths I speak of.
May my actions always reflect Your presence within me.
And so it is.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Saturday, September 11, 2010

I'm writing the most glorious story, one page at a time.

"I am in between stories. The old one is gone, and the new one is just beginning to take shape. When we already have a story we are heavily identified with, whether we appear to like this story or not, it is difficult to stay awake, to watch our thoughts and feelings without letting them dictate our actions. A clear story about who we are makes it hard to wait and let our actions arise from the deep and open emptiness of experiencing who we are right now, makes it difficult to allow actions to arise that may be inconsistent with how our story says we should move."
~Oriah Mountain Dreamer

from page 168 of The Call: Discovering Why You Are Here

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I look at you and smile because I'm fine

Your callused fingers
unapologetically pried
apart the space between my thick ribs
expanding the cage holding me so tightly
like a surgeon preparing a patient for open heart surgery
Turning my cadavar into a breathing vessel
laid on the pale ground
catching c o s m i c sprinkles
majestically f.a.l.l.i.n.g
a celebratory shower of champagne
or fireworks from a long overdue kiss
dripping so confidently from tiny holes
in the canopy of our universe.
& it's nothing short of m.a.g.i.q.u.e

Friday, August 6, 2010

Jazz and Brando

I don't love you as if you were the salt-rose, topaz
or arrow of carnations that propagate fire:
I love you as certain dark things are loved,
secretly, between the shadow and the soul.

I love you as the plant that doesn't bloom and carries
hidden within itself the light of those flowers,
and thanks to your love, darkly in my body
lives the dense fragrance that rises from the earth.

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where,
I love you simply, without problems or pride:
I love you in this way because I don't know any other way of loving

but this, in which there is no I or you,
so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand,
so intimate that when I fall asleep it is your eyes that close.
-Pablo Neruda

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


The weather forecasters do not know what they're talking about!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Writers Blocked

Calling on Ginsberg
This shallow hand
keeps smudging the ink.

“My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them.”

1. Scribbled secret notebooks, and wild typewritten pages, for your own joy
2. Submissive to everything, open, listening
3. Try never get drunk outside your own house
4. Be in love with your life
5. Something that you feel will find its own form
6. Be crazy dumbsaint of the mind
7. Blow as deep as you want to blow
8. Write what you want bottomless from bottom of the mind
9. The unspeakable visions of the individual
10. No time for poetry but exactly what is
11. Visionary tics shivering in the chest
12. In tranced fixation dreaming upon object before you
13. Remove literary, grammatical and syntactical inhibition
14. Like Proust be an old teahead of time
15. Telling the true story of the world in interior monolog
16. The jewel center of interest is the eye within the eye
17. Write in recollection and amazement for yourself
18. Work from pithy middle eye out, swimming in language sea
19. Accept loss forever
20. Believe in the holy contour of life
21. Struggle to sketch the flow that already exists intact in mind
22. Don’t think of words when you stop but to see picture better
23. Keep track of every day the date emblazoned in yr morning
24. No fear or shame in the dignity of your experience, language & knowledge
25. Write for the world to read and see your exact pictures of it
26. Bookmovie is the movie in words, the visual American form
27. In praise of Character in the Bleak inhuman Loneliness
28. Composing wild, undisciplined, pure, coming in from under, crazier the better
29. You’re a Genius all the time
30. Writer-Director of Earthly movies Sponsored & Angeled in Heaven

Thanks Jack.

Loving you is cherry pie

"Life has become very dear to me, and I am very glad that I love. My life and my love are one. "But you are faced with a 'no, never never'" is your reply. My answer to that is, "Old boy, for the present I look upon that 'no, never never' as a block of ice which I press to my heart to thaw." - Van Gogh, September 7, 1881

Good morning, on July 7

Though still in bed, my thoughts go out to you, my Immortal Beloved, now and then joyfully, then sadly, waiting to learn whether or not fate will hear us - I can live only wholly with you or not at all - Yes, I am resolved to wander so long away from you until I can fly to your arms and say that I am really at home with you, and can send my soul enwrapped in you into the land of spirits - Yes, unhappily it must be so - You will be the more contained since you know my fidelity to you. No one else can ever possess my heart - never - never - Oh God, why must one be parted from one whom one so loves. And yet my life in V is now a wretched life - Your love makes me at once the happiest and the unhappiest of men - At my age I need a steady, quiet life - can that be so in our connection? My angel, I have just been told that the mailcoach goes every day - therefore I must close at once so that you may receive the letter at once - Be calm, only by a calm consideration of our existence can we achieve our purpose to live together - Be calm - love me - today - yesterday - what tearful longings for you - you - you - my life - my all - farewell. Oh continue to love me - never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved.

ever thine
ever mine
ever ours

July 6, in the morning

My angel, my all, my very self - Only a few words today and at that with pencil (with yours) - Not till tomorrow will my lodgings be definitely determined upon - what a useless waste of time - Why this deep sorrow when necessity speaks - can our love endure except through sacrifices, through not demanding everything from one another; can you change the fact that you are not wholly mine, I not wholly thine - Oh God, look out into the beauties of nature and comfort your heart with that which must be - Love demands everything and that very justly - thus it is to me with you, and to your with me. But you forget so easily that I must live for me and for you; if we were wholly united you would feel the pain of it as little as I - My journey was a fearful one; I did not reach here until 4 o'clock yesterday morning. Lacking horses the post-coach chose another route, but what an awful one; at the stage before the last I was warned not to travel at night; I was made fearful of a forest, but that only made me the more eager - and I was wrong. The coach must needs break down on the wretched road, a bottomless mud road. Without such postilions as I had with me I should have remained stuck in the road. Esterhazy, traveling the usual road here, had the same fate with eight horses that I had with four - Yet I got some pleasure out of it, as I always do when I successfully overcome difficulties - Now a quick change to things internal from things external. We shall surely see each other soon; moreover, today I cannot share with you the thoughts I have had during these last few days touching my own life - If our hearts were always close together, I would have none of these. My heart is full of so many things to say to you - ah - there are moments when I feel that speech amounts to nothing at all - Cheer up - remain my true, my only treasure, my all as I am yours. The gods must send us the rest, what for us must and shall be -

Your faithful LUDWIG.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Is it possible to love someone too much?

There's always a Ryan Adam's song for different times in my life....
this is todays.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The only one for me are the mad ones

“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The trouble-makers. The round heads in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status-quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify, or vilify them. But the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” - Jack Kerouac

Photo by Allen Ginsberg: " Jack Kerouac wandering along East 7th Street after visiting Burroughs at our pad, passing statue of Congressman Samuel “Sunset” Cox, “The Letter-Carrier’s Friend” in Tompkins Square toward corner of Avenue A, Lower East Side; he’s making a Dostoyevsky mad-face or Russian basso be-bop Om, first walking around the neighborhood, then involved with The Subterraneans, pencils & notebook in wool shirt-pockets, Fall 1953, Manhattan.”

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

'Better Every Day'

I just saw pictures of a friend of mine back in treatment. I just don't understand why she keeps choosing her disease over LIFE? She is one of the most intelligent, funny, and compassionate people I have ever met, but what she does to her body is so ugly to me now. I'm praying for God to surround her in Light and Love, to help her realize how perfect she is, to choose Life over death. That is ultimately the decision one has to make when battling such a deadlly disease.

I remember when I made that choice. I remember how hard it was, to just 'let go' of the one thing that felt like my best friend. That was nearly 2 years ago. It has been 8 months since I've purged. I am so proud to say that. I remember when I we use to celebrate a decrease in the amount of times I would throw up in a day, then we'd move on to days inbetween purges, then weeks. I remember having to have my boyfriend come over and sit with me while I ate a meal, when my family would have to coach me through dinners, when my step mom use to have to plan and serve all my meals, meal planning, counting calories, measuring everything with total accuracy - it was always SO hard, so much work, such a dramatic struggle, but now it's been MONTHS! 8 months, almost a whole year! It brings tears to my eyes, tears of joy and pride because I WON! I can't even recollect that last time I thought about throwing up my food or had the urge to.... and I use to struggle making it through a day. After nearly 8 years of hating myself, I have embraced the divine perfection that has always been 'Me.' I SURVIVED! I BEAT THE STATISTIC! I CHOSE LIFE!

I use to be embarrassed of the demon I was living with, but it is part of my past, it no longer defines who I am now. I WAS an anorexic & bulimic since I was in 7th grade, but that is 8 years ago, today I am Alicia Rose VanOverbeke: a daughter, a sister, a part of one crazy dysfunctionally brilliant family, a friend, and a student who will one day put a positive stamp on this World. I am so proud of the battle I won, and the woman I have now become. I hope one day I can inspire others to choose life, it may be the more resistant path but it is the only one that guarantees a future, happiness and freedom!

Thank you Dr. Maureen Gardner and everyone at the RCC who was fighting with me and for me, Dr. Bethany Helfman, Mom, Dad, Lisa, & the whole family, Samantha Meux, Brittany Guttenburg, Alex Wojcik and all my other friends who showed me so much love and compassion and stuck with me when they didn't have to, everyone at MASC Leadership Camp [especially Kadi Judd and Kris Edler who told me I was "Dark yet lovely"], and to everyone else who has inspired and supported me to keep fighting, to get 'Better Every Day.' You all saved my life, and I am forever grateful.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Waiting on something good

"You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise."
~Maya Angelou

Who's stoned? I am merely traveling incognito.

"Neely, you know it's bad to take liquor with those pills."
"They work faster."

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Oh Spanish Moon, Fall & Rise.

for the sake of being cautious
[but when have I ever been 'cautious']
Well, just in case
this is another tragedy
never again our bodies at the same coordinates
- at that same time-
[like the one time we woke up with sand on our feet
and ocean in our hair, and our limbs tangled together]
Well just in case we never build a sand castle together again
and my name is never on the same page
of this book called 'Life"
as your name...

I want you to know.
So listen obtusely
I'll always carry a piece of 'you-ness' with me
A reminder of the adventure life can be,
if we just 'let it be.'

A reminder that my chest cavity isn't as empty as I'd like to think it is...
there's a heart inside there
a heart that remembered to skip a beat when it was
your hand
in mine.

So just incase our life lines never cross
or mine ends too soon,
thank you
for all the memos
reminding me why I love life
and short kisses on my cheek
and neck
and even the ones that broke down the walls
[that i've spent YEARS building]

It may come as a surprise
Only love is real.
Fear is an absence of love.
There for fear is an illusion,
a lie the ego tells our 'selves'
But in the name of LOVE:
This vulnerability feels safest
Stronger than the fortress I was building inside my chest.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I have no desire to be kissed...

Tonight I'm going to dream that I'm Jo in Funny Face. Back in Paris, going fishing for the first time, jazz dancing in a smokey club, wearing Givenchy in the Louvre, and having a gem of a man like Dick Avery/Fred Astaire think that my funny looking face is something beautiful.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

You're too sweet for Rock n' Roll

"Never take it seriously, you never get hurt. Never get hurt, you can always have fun. And if you ever get lonely, you just go to the record store and visit all your friends."

The opposite direction of this too-big world...

" girl had ever moved me with a story of spiritual suffering and so beautifully her soul showing out radiant as an angel wandering in hell and the hell the selfsame streets I’d roamed in watching, watching for someone just like her and never dreaming the darkness and the mystery and eventuality of our meeting in eternity.."
The Subterraneans, Jack Kerouac

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Unpractical magique

I wish I could cast a spell that would erase the water mark of your existence printed on my heart.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Her name was, Love.

"If you trust and love me, put your trust and love into action in every aspect of your life-emotional, sexual, spiritual, social, political-with my passion, my clarity, my unsentimental practicality. Know that my revelation is a revolution, a revolution that demands calmly a transformation of all the terms and conditions of life on earth. Establish justice for all in my world, in my name, and in my spirit of all-embracing, inexhaustible compassion. Let no one be poor, or discriminated against; may all sentient beings everywhere be cherished and safe and protected from harm by law and by love. Turn to me now and I will fill you with all the grace, strength, courage, and passion you need to transform the world at every level into a living mirror of my truth, my love, and my justice. If you truly love me, change everything for me."
~Andrew Harvey 

Dear Mother-Father God,
In Your name, I bless the world.
I commit myself to justice, mercy and compassion.
I consciously set my foot on the path of radical transformation.
May all of my thoughts and deeds reflect Your will.
Your truth is the fire that fuels and compels me.
Holy Spirit, come--abide in and through me now.
May love be the rule I live by.
And so it is.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Dear God, I believe that You are present in each moment of every day.
Therefore, my spiritual practice is to notice Your movement,
to increase my awareness of Your presence.
As awareness grows, faith is strengthened and peace is established.
You are the both source and the journey of life.
Help me notice your handiwork and share Your love with my fellow travelers.
Thank You.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Unexpected moments

"But sometimes, unexpectedly, a quiet moment finds us and we drop down into
the life we have beneath all the rushing and the trying and the endless
daily details, sinking into the fertile soil of the sometimes neglected
inner life, where the seeds of remembering what matters are planted. What
comes from that place when we give it half a chance flowers in our lives and
the world, creating unexpected changes in the direction of our journey and
offering unanticipated blessings to us and those around us."
~Oriah Mountain Dreamer

Friday, February 19, 2010

A young man of extra-ordinary personal beauty

Witching hour
taps on the door
of your last night
creep into bed
Haunting the left side
sliding closer
between every
suppressed e x h a l e
The faint smell
of bourbon
filling space
between the pillow
and my bitter cheek
That space
your face
pressed against mine

New York I love you, but you're bringin me down

"I don’t know what it means to be a New Yorker anymore. I guess if you work for a giant corporation and you’ve lived here for more than six weeks, you’re a New Yorker now. I think I used to know what it meant to be a New Yorker. I guess if you don’t eat at Cosi sandwich shop you’re a real New Yorker. If you don’t go to to find your way around the city, you’re a real New Yorker. If you make too much noise on the sidewalk at night and bother people living in overpriced apartments, you’re a real New Yorker. If you get mugged, and then immediately go eat a slice with the money hidden in your sock that they did not steal from you, you’re a real New Yorker. If you cross the street wherever and whenever you want, you’re a New Yorker. And if you walk fast, you’re a New Yorker. Nobody walks fast in this city anymore. Everyone walks slow, and then goes to Equinox." -Judah Freidlander, Daily Intel

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

An acquired taste

She's the kind of girl who hangs dream catchers above her bed, who eats pomegranates and reads old history books for fun. She's the kind of girl who sleeps in old men's dress shirts, and wears her earrings to bed. She's the kind of girl who takes pictures of her hands with disposable cameras and wallpapers her bedroom with pretty roses. She's the kind of girl who dances down the street and catches sideways stares of the blank faced pedestrians who pass, but always smiles back. She's the girl with the windows down, and the music up, a breath of life blowing in her hair. She's the girl who's tongue tastes like whiskey and cigarettes, and who smells a bit like a summer in Paris. She's the kind of girl who catches the first snowflake in the palm of her bare hands and watches it melt into her pale skin, before anyone else notices the sky is falling. She's the kind of girl who's laughter echoes in your fondest memories. She's the kind of girl who's always sketching eyes and mouths of the characters in her dreams, and drawing on the back of her bar tab. She's the kind of girl who doesn't know any other way but to wear her heart on her sleeve. She's the kind of girl who looks you right in the eyes, and almost through you when you speak to her.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mon petit hibou

I keep on wishing that little owl I've been dreaming about, since I was a little girl, would fly through my window and wake me with a whisper in my ear, and a twirl of my hair, and a peck on my cheek - to save me from this cave I've buried myself in and fly me back to what'ever woodland castle it came from, to keep me there, forever.

Happiness can be elusive sometimes...

This song really brings me 'home,'
just seems to hold me in all the ways I'm beggin to be held right now.

Happiness is just outside my window
Would it crash blowing 80-miles an hour?
Or is happiness a little more like knocking
On your door, and you just let it in?

Happiness feels a lot like sorrow
Let it be, you can't make it come or go
But you are gone- not for good but for now
Gone for now feels a lot like gone for good

Happiness is a firecracker sitting on my headboard
Happiness was never mine to hold
Careful child, light the fuse and get away
‘Cause happiness throws a shower of sparks

Happiness damn near destroys you
Breaks your faith to pieces on the floor
So you tell yourself, that's enough for now
Happiness has a violent roar

Happiness is like the old man told me
Look for it, but you'll never find it all
Let it go, live your life and leave it
Then one day, wake up and she'll be home
Home, home, home

Sunday, February 14, 2010

"Drinking heavily, you abandon people, and they abandon you - and you abandon yourself- it's a form of partial self-murder."

I loved this article! I've always thought the romantic image we have of the drugged up/alcoholic-artistic-genius is a fraud - I refuse to burn myself out. This isn't a sprint, this is a marathon. The most creative you will ever be is when you are sober. Enlightenment comes from being present in the moment, substances create an illusion of the 'moment.'

Saturday, February 13, 2010

What if...

“How would you live if you felt you could trust life fully? If you believed you were totally protected and secure, that forevermore your life would be filled with love and prosperity? Think of how your fears would dissolve, of how totally accepting of yourself and others you would be--it wouldn't matter if they met your expectations or not. Think of how you would venture forth knowing you would succeed. Think of how your heart would open, of how free you would feel. How free you would be to love. All of this is the treasure that life offers us. We just lack the consciousness to experience it."
~Susan L. Taylor

Friday, February 12, 2010

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Whiskey for breakfast, breakfast for dinner

Whenever you are ready
I'll be here waiting
to hear your story
A lifetime of adventure
and a second chance at love

Where stars make dreams, and dreams make stars

Hey! Look at me. And tell me if you've known me before.
David Lynch's 'Inland Empire' is onDemand - Elated, to say the least :]