Monday, June 30, 2008

There are people out there to make you feel bad, but don't you listen!

I feel:

Just to sum it up,
I'm getting better everyday.

My therapist, whom I haven't seen in a few months, sent me a package in the mail a few days ago. It was a beautiful card & a gorgeous gold butterfly necklace, because the butterfly is a symbol of change and the national symbol of recovery from an eating disorder. Needless to say I cried when I opened this. This necklace means more coming from her than anyone else. I'm so proud of myself & how far I've come. I know the road is still a long & unpredictable one, but I am not the insecure little girl I use to be. I am more content with who I am and the woman I am becoming than ever before. Regardless of the day to day struggles that frustrate me, when it comes down to it - I am the luckiest girl I know, and I thank God for blessing my life everyday.