Friday, May 30, 2008


So sometimes I just crave fountain soda.
There's nothing like fountain diet coke, okay!
So I stopped at the McDonalds drive thru this morning on my way to class to get my fix.
Now its pretty interesting, because I don't really know how to "do drive thrus" because 1. I think they're lazy 2. I neverrrrrrr ever eat fast food.
So the select times I've attempted this maneuver, its always been humorous and awkward.
I never know how loud I should shout at the box thingy taking my order
Or how close my car should be to the window. I don't want to be uncomfortabley close and scratch my car, but people always look like idiots having to open there doors to hand the drive thru atendees their payment.
So I do pretty well with alll of this, this morning, and im feeling pretty confident. Then I pull up to the window ready to retrieve my long awaited diet coke from the fountainnnn... when the lady goes to hand me this hugggge smelly bag of food! Now this bag is so large it has handles. I don't even know what to say at first and just stare at the bag dangling over the gap between my car & the window and shake my head. She finally gets the point and at this point I mustered a "ummmmm I only wanted a diet coke!"
Do I really look like id be devouring a whole bag - big enough to feed an office of hungry police officers- of mcdonalds breakfast "food?" ummmm no!
The next time I get a craving for fountain pop - Ill stick to going to the gas station.

1 comment:

  1. hey! Just came across your blog randomly. I love this post, it made me laugh so loud haha. I totally get cravings for fountain diet coke and definitely awkwardly maneuver through drive-throughs.

    Hope all is well!
