Monday, July 16, 2007

It's your turn to amaze me

The constant back & forth battle in my head gets really tiering.
Even now that I know what I want it still continues. I wish the negative thoughts would just go away but, I guess it's because a subconcious part of me still needs old habbits to help me get by.
I'm exhausted but, I'm not giving in this time!

So I apologize if I seem a little distant and like I'm keeping to myself more lately. I'm just trying to get through my days as successfully as possible. Fighting, every step of the way.

"In hard times comes growth. When things seem 'okay' we're stagnant in our emotional growth"

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1 comment:

  1. if your talking about what i think you are, you are not alone in this. i know how hard it is. i have thoughts everyday, and its hard but i dont give in anymore, and you cant either. we'll make it out together my love <3
