Starting 2 weeks ago I started making some transitions in my life, because I didn't see the point in waiting for January 1st.
1. Before I left for Detroit, I started running again. I'm committing myself to at least 2 days of running 30+ minutes with light lifting and 2 days of lifting for 40+ min, and 1 day of yoga. I have no excuse to not go to the gym since there's one in my basement, and it makes me feel physically healthy and it does wonders for my anxiety.
2. I am also giving up using/purchasing plastic water bottles, because they are consuming mass amounts of our oil reserves to produce and contributing to the ridiculous amount of waste our country produces. I got a Kor One water bottle for Xmas and I've been keeping it filled and in my bag, which has resulted in my drinking much more water! Check out their website, and if you are concerned about tap water - you should really research how "clean" that bottled water is you're drinking... personally I am going to stick to the tap. :]
3. I have also slowly been making a transition from a vegetarian diet to a vegan. I've been vegetarian for 5 years now and strongly believe in the health benefits of a diet free of animal products. I've been reading a lot about alternatives for vegans to fulfill all their nutritional needs and I feel it is something I can easily transition to, and in the process better myself and my environment. I'm not doing this as means of loosing weight, but I strongly believe in a "greener" lifestyle and believe this is something I can easily do to be a more conscious global community member.
2009 is going to be a good year, I've decided.