(G'morning Valentiners!)
What does it take to find and nurture a love like this? TRUE love, that is. Is it something tangible, or just an ideal we can forever strive for to help continuously improve our imperfect relationships? Love is sacred, and something I have grown to appreciate more and more as I get older. I've learned a lot in the past two years from my previous relationship, and for that I am thankful; I know I will be able to make someone very happy one day, and I know what I want... he's out there somewhere :]
Spreading the love, from Calculus class! hah
Today was really special though! Adam drove all the way to my house at 6:30am to put a dozen red roses & a card on my windshield for me before I had to leave for school... it was probably the best suprise of the day, just because it was SO cute & we all know how much I love my roses. After school I went to his place and we took a nice little nap together. I'm starting to think his bed is more comfy than mine! GRRRR. He suprised me with anotherrrr gift - the PRIMP sheep hoodie! yayyyyyy! We went & saw "Fools Gold" - way cute! & Matthew McConnahay (sp?) has got a fiiiiiine body! hah. On our way to dinner he suprised me with my last gift - THE ANIMAL CHARM BETSEY JOHNSON NECKLACE I'VE BEEN DYING OVER! I seriously screamed for a whole 5 minutes like I was on a game show. It was ridiculous.
We had some good thai food & watched the best episode of Deal or No Deal, ever! If you watched it tonight, you'll know what I'm talking about. The guy was ridiculous & a real "math genius!' hah
This was definitely a special Valentine's Day for me... I never expected I would be spending it with Adam if you would've asked me a year or two ago. We've been through so much together. He is my best friend and I've never met anyone who is so accepting of me and all my stupid little quirks and ridiculousness... I appreciate it more than anything. He just lets me be me, and he still loves me. He is a special person in my life, we're not officially "together," because I'll be moving in a few months and what not, but who knows where things will end up for us. We've worked through some pretty difficult stuff, I think we can make it through anything.
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