Monday, January 14, 2008


After trying to push you away
& making excuses to not come see you
because I knew it was probably for the best,
it's confirmed... you are the guy I feared you were.
I'm so disgusted to think you tried to tool me into being just another one of "those girls"
cause God knows there certainly is a listtttttt.
I'm not impressed by your "fame," your connections,
your emo lyrics, or the fact that you showed the slightest interest in me.

You really couldn't handle me...
I'm more real & honest with myself than you'll probably ever be.
Stick to your scene sluts;
they'll get on their knees for you.

I should never consider making exceptions to my rule:
Because, once again it is confirmed... they are all tools :]

1 comment:

  1. "I can't date rockstars"

    ever see that movie.. i think that was the quote from it. its the movie with ashlee simpson Undiscovered. tehe im a dork i know! but then again thats why you love me =]
