Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
our inherent oneness with all life

"Some day, after we have mastered the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love. Then for the second time in the history of the world, we will have discovered fire."
-Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Saturday, March 19, 2011
What is your Love language?
"Whatever we do, whatever our job, it can be a vessel through which we teach the message of salvation: that the Son of God is innocent, and we are all Sons of God. Kindness to Him transforms the World. We don't necessarily teach this verbally, but rather non-verbally. The problem most people have is that they're more concerned with the mode of their expression than with what they're seeking to express. That's because they don't know what they want to express. This generation, this culture, is full of people who want desperately to write a story, but for all the wrong reasons. I meet people who want to be in the spotlight, but have no idea what they would say if it was pointed at them. This is a fraudulent posture. It means we want the record contract more than the satisfaction of making music. The highest prize we can receive for creative work is the joy of being creative. Creative effort spent for any other reason than the joy of being in that light filled place, love, God, what ever you want to call it, is lacking integrity. It diminishes us. It reduces inspiration to mere sales."
- Marianne Williamson, pg. 201 in "A Return to Love"

Thursday, March 17, 2011
United in unconditional love, we see a world that is whole and perfect for all.
"I hope from the bottom of my heart that the people will, hand in hand, treat each other with compassion and overcome these difficult times."
~Emperor Akihito of Japan

Dear God,
We remember that You are the unifying force that links all life.
In the stillness, we connect as One—heart to heart and mind to mind.
From this Oneness flows the guidance, ideas and courage we need to:
Cool reactors
Calm fears
Feed children
Love one another
Restore the planet
Heal the broken
End wars
And change course.
The effects of our error thinking are evident in many places on our planet.
Today, we move beyond effect to the deeper level of cause.
Now is the time for us to unite in thought, prayer and Love.
Remind us God that in You, All is well.
Thank You.
"Channel your abundance through me in a way that serves the word."
Thank you to all of those who have helped raise over $120 already, your support and compassion amazes me. Regardless if you can donate or not, I appreciate everyones support and words of encouragement - my friends ROCK!
There are 16 days left until my Birthday, and I know we can all pull together and raise $15,000! [that's $10 per every FB friend!] It is an attainable goal.
Check out this amazingggg act of love [from a child!]

And if you have questioned why Haiti still needs our help, it was estimated that a Haiti Cholera epidemic could sicken over 779,000 people between March and November of this year - that's about the population of San Francisco! [according to researchers at the University of California, San Francisco and Harvard Medical School.] - You can read the USNews article here: http://ht.ly/4fYbv
Donate $10 to Partners in Health today & help bring health care to those in need, so that they too may see another birthday!
Donation page is here: http://act.pih.org/page/outreach/view/birthday/AliRoseBDay
"The problem is not the distribution of wealth, but the consciousness around it. Money is not scarce. It is not a finite resource. We are not poor because the rich are rich. We are poor because we do not work with love."
xoxo, Ali Rose
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
"Tout moun se moun" [Every person is a person, every life matters]
Over 8.8 million children did not have a chance to make it to their fifth birthday last year - almost all of them in the developing world. Help me break the cycle of poverty that these children are in!
For my 21st Birthday [April 2nd], I am asking that all of my family & friends - yes YOU - to make a donation of just $10 [or what'ever you can afford... even $1.00 can make a difference!] towards Partners In Health - an organization I so deeply believe in and support. [Last year I donated $118 of my own money to PIH] I would not ask you to make a sacrifice that I am not willing to make, and have kick started the donation pool with my own $10. I am specifically supportive of the initiative PIH took in Haiti starting in 1985 to provide health care in one of the World's most impoverished countries by building not only medical facilities, but training and teaching the community how to help one another and prevent disease. After the devastating earthquake in January 2010, PIH has also designed a 3 year plan PIH to help rebuild Haiti.
[for more information on PIH's work in Haiti CLICK HERE]

For the past year and a half I have been advocating for the work that Partners in Health does to provide health care to those most in need in countries such as Haiti, Rwanda & eight other countries around the World. Partners In Health is an organization that focuses on breaking the cycle of poverty and disease in every community and person they serve. The money raised for my Birthday will go towards treating disease like malaria and tuberculosis, building homes for families, assisting farmers in more sustainable farming practices, treating malnutrition in children - and most importantly HELPING OTHERS REACH THEIR OWN BIRTHDAYS AS WELL!

I know most of you are thinking "why not the relief efforts in Japan?" and yes - Japan needs all the help they can get, and please send love and light towards Japan and give what you can to help them recover from their tragedy, but the work Partners In Health does is VERY important and inspiring to me. My only wish for my upcoming Birthday is to show them the love and support they NEED right now too. How can one judge the importance of one devastation over another? There are so many countries, communities, and individuals all over the World who are suffering every day and we must not forget about them either. The WORLD needs to UNITE and help our people, everywhere.
I have 1,510 'friends' on Facebook... and if you all donated $10, that could be $15,100 to help bring global health equity to those in need.... and thatttt is the GREATEST Birthday present I could ever receive! I know times are hard on everyone, we are all trying to cut corners and save money, but any type of donation you can make will help! I know I often forget how blessed and fortunate I am to have the necessities of life, which are not available in many developing countries around the world. We are blessed to be free of disease, have clean drinking water, and available health care - that is SO much more than many people can say. I always say "You and I are just the same," and it is time to unite and help our brothers & sisters of the World. "Everything you give, you will receive." Please help my Birthday wish come true. :]
Friday, March 11, 2011
My love as deep; the more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite.

For stony limits cannot hold love out,
And what love can do that dares love attempt;
Therefore thy kinsmen are no stop to me."
"Love goes toward love, as schoolboys from their books; | |
But love from love, toward school with heavy looks." |
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
I always have art on my hands

My friend Mitch took this photo when he was in town last month. This is how I spend the majority of my days - drawing, painting, sewing: making 'fashion' happen. I think this is the most honest photo anyone has ever taken of me. I have been really blessed to have been living on the 3rd floor of a house in Brooklyn, with 2 bedrooms, and an office that I've turned in to my "art studio" [aka - the one place to confine all the mess I make]. Unfortunately I am having to move out next week [my renters have friends coming from overseas]. This has been my art studio since January, and I have certainly made a bloody mess of it.
Check out more of Mitchell Wojcik's photographs at http://mitchellwojcik.com/
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
i've known it from the moment that we met, no doubt in my mind where you belong.
I could hold you for a million years, to make you feel my love.
the only person standing in your way is you

I'm making a commitment: I'm willing to accept success. I'm willing to think and feel differently about my work, and allow my creativity to flow freely. I'm willing to stop making it all about me, and start remembering that I am making art because I want to inspire and uplift others. I will find my humor in art, again - and I will laugh again.
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